Sponsorship Opportunities

All sponsorship levels include event tickets. 

  • Includes 2 reserved tables (20 tickets), 22 full-page four-color spread with placement at centerfold (if preferred) in program book, and additional benefits. $22,500 is tax-deductible.

  • Includes 1 reserved table (10 tickets), 1 full-page four-color spread with placement at center fold (if preferred) of the program book, and additional benefits. $13,750 is tax-deductible.

  • Includes 8 tickets, 1 full-page four-color spread with preferred placement inside back cover of the program book, and additional benefits. $9,000 is tax-deductible

  • Includes 4 tickets, half-page four-color spread prominently placed in the program book, and additional benefits. $4,500 is tax-deductible.

  • Includes 2 tickets, quarter-page four-color spread in the program book, and additional benefits. $2,250 is tax-deductible.

  • Includes 2 tickets, quarter-page four-color spread in the program book and additional benefits. $1,250 is tax-deductible.

Individual Event Tickets

Tickets will be held at the door for $136 each for general admission and $96 each for Lions Gate/Saltzman residents. We are offering a 10th Anniversary Special: Book one table of 10 for $1,200.


Program Book Ads

  • 4 3/4”w x 7 3/4”h

  • 4 3/4”w x 3 3/4”h

  • 2 1/4”w x 3 3/4”h

Please email the ad as a PDF to [email protected] by Monday, April 7.

Sizes are Width x Height

Full-Page            4 3/4” x 7 3/4”
Half-Page           4 3/4” x 3 3/4”
Quarter-Page     2 1/4” x 3 3/4” 

Can't Attend? Make a Donation.


Contact Information


There will be assigned seating. Please provide the names of the guests you would like to sit with.
(We will do our best to accommodate your requests.)

Payment Information

RegFox Event Registration Software